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Friday, June 24, 2011

Agricultural Economics-Zemedelska Ekonomika

Published/Hosted by: Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences 
ISSN:  0139-570X
Frequency: Monthly
Country: Czech Republic

About Journal
Original scientific papers dealing with agricultural subjects from the sphere of economics, management, informatics, ecology, social economy and sociology. Since 1993 the papers continually treat problems which were published in the journal Sociologie venkova a zemědělství until now. An extensive scope of subjects in fact covers the whole of agribusiness, that means economic relations of suppliers and producers of inputs for agriculture and food industry, problems from the aspects of social economy and rural sociology and finally the economics of the population nutrition. Papers are published in English with Czech or Slovak abstracts.

Submission Process

General Guidelines for Authors
MS Word editor should be used for creating the text in non-formatted style strictly following the journal layout. Tables, graphs, and other material are to be submitted separately to the text. Each document should be printed, commencing on a separate sheet of paper, and its title and detailed description including the measurement units used should be indicated. Word editor should be used to create tables, for tables each item should be placed into a separate cell. Tables are to be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are referred to in the text. Graphs should be provided in MS Excel and they should be stored with original data (the font and type size should be consistent with the general journal format requirements to be incorporated in to the text). Autotypes (black and white ones are preferred) should be submitted in high resolution (min. 300 dpi) in JPGE or TIF format. All graphs and photos should be numbered, continually according to the order in which they are included in the text, again using Arabic numerals. All other material should be submitted in digital form, in high resolution black and white format. Colored photos or maps may be published following agreement, but this will be exclusively at the authors’ own cost. All material to be included in a paper should be referred to in the text. If any abbreviations are used in a paper, they shall be explained appropriately when they are used in the text for the first time. It is not advisable to use any abbreviations in the paper title or in the abstract.
Paper title should be short, intelligible, not exceeding 85 characters. No subtitles shall be used.
Abstract is a short summary of the whole paper including an outline of the objective, method, results and conclusions of the paper, but it should not be a mere description. It should describe all essential facts of a scientific paper and basic numerical data including any statistical evaluation should be incorporated in the abstract. Keywords must be included. The abstract should not go to more than 170 words.

References should be a list of refereed periodicals arranged in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first authors, following by the year of publication cited in brackets and full title of the paper in English with the language of publication in parenthesis, e.g. (in  Czech).

For periodicals
Mc Corriston S., Morgan C.W., Rayner A.J. (2001): Price transmission: the interaction between market power and returns to scale. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 28: 143–159.

For books
Leibold L., Probst G., Gibbert M. (ed.) (2002): Strategic Management in the Knowledge Economy: New Approaches and Business Applications. Wiley, New York; ISBN 80-50685-12-1.

For online resources
Vyhledavaci studie pro lokalizaci brownfieldů (Research Study for Localization of Brownfields in the Territory of the Czech Republic) (2007). Czechinvest, Praha. Available at (accessed February 2008).

For detailed guidelines, click here.