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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics – Journal of Economics and Business

Published/Hosted by:  University of Rijeka, FACULTY OF ECONOMICS 
Print ISSN: 1331-8004
Online ISSN: 1846-7520
Country: Croatia

About Journal
Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics Journal of Economics and Business (Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci – Časopis za ekonomsku teoriju I praksu) is an international peer reviewed journal open to scientists from all over the world in different fields of economic theory, economic policy and related research. Most articles are written in English. However, if an article is written in Croatian, French, German or Italian, it will be accepted providing it serves the purpose of transfer of original and valuable information to scientists and researchers.

Submission Process
Submit manuscripts online to:

General Guidelines for Authors
The separate page should contain: the article title, the author’s full name, academic affiliation (title, institution, scientific field), telephone, fax, e-mail address and personal website. If there are more authors than one, full names, respective affiliations and addresses of co-authors should be clearly stated. Authors’academic affiliation should be:
– in the language of the article
– in Croatian, if the original language of the article is not Croatian
– in English if the original language of the article is either Croatian, French, German or Italian.

The first page should contain: the article title, abstract, JEL classification and key words in the language of the article. At the end of the article all data should be also:
– in Croatian, if the original language of the article is not Croatian
– in English if the original language of the article is either Croatian, French, German or Italian.

Main body of the text should contain: introduction, headings, footnotes, references, tables, figures, conclusions and bibliography.

Technical Requirements
The manuscript submitted for publication should be in Microsoft Word Windows (95 +), between 6,000 and 10,000 words in length (16-20 A4 size pages), printed in 12 point Times New Roman, single-spaced, justified and without any special sty ling. Should a word, a phrase or a sentence be highlighted, italic can be used and never bold. Paragraphs are divided by double spacing and all margins are at 2.5 cm.  In case the paper exceeds the normal length, the Editors’ consent for its publication is needed. JEL classification should be suggested by the authors themselves according to the classification available on the Journal of Economic Literature website:

Footnotes could be used only as an additional explanatory section of the text and should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.

Section Headings (from Introduction to Conclusions) must be short, clearly defined and bear Arabic numerals. If there are subsection headings they are outline numbered (e.g. 1; 1.1.; 2.; 2.1.; 2.1.1. etc.)
All tables and figures should bear Arabic numerals and must have captions. Tables set in MS Word may be included in the text.

Note: If MS Excel or other programs are used for tables, figures or illustrations, make sure to enclose them as a separate file on disk, separately from the text.

The ISI citations are a must for all contributors. References to other publications must be in Harvard style. That is, shown within the text as the first author's name followed by a comma, year of publication and the quoted page number - all in round brackets, e.g. (Doyle, 1994, p.23). If there are more than one author, the following format is used: (McAdam et al, 2001, p.236). At the end of the article a reference list in alphabetical order must be given as follows:

For books: surname, initials, (year), title, place of publication, publisher. E.g.
Ballou, R.H. (1992), Business Logistics Management. 3rd Edition. Eaglewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall International Editions.

For journals: surname, initials, (year), "title", journal, volume, number, pages. E.g.
Fox, S. (1994), "Empowerment as a Catalyst for Change: an Example from the Food Industry", Supply Chain Management, Vol. 2, No 3, pp. 29-33.

For Internet sources:
Small Business Marketing Strategies: Marketing Research// (referred on 30/09/2002).
Martin C.L. (1998), Relationship Marketing: a High-Involvement Product Attribute Approach, Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol. 7, No 1, pp. 6-26 // (referred on 03/10/2002).

For detailed guidelines, click here.