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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Journal of Policy Modeling

Published/Hosted by: ELSEVIER
ISSN: 0161-8938
Country: United States
Frequency: 6 issues per year
Impact Factor: 0.737 (2012)

About Journal
The Journal is published by the Society for Policy Modeling as a forum for analysis and debate on policy issues. The Journal focuses upon the economic, social and political developments that now shape the world economy and the policies needed to improve them.

Submission Process
Submit manuscripts at

General Guidelines for Authors
Manuscripts should be typed double spaced, preferably on 8.5 x 11 in. bond paper, one side of the sheet only. Footnotes to the text are indicated by superior numbers, numbered consecutively throughout the article. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum. Reference citations in the text are by last name of author and year, i.e., Smith (1977) or (Smith 1977). If the same author and year are cited again, use 1977 a, b, etc. The title page should include the full names and affiliations of the authors, with the name and address of the author to whom proofs and correspondence should be sent. An Abstractof not more than 100 words should be included. The title should be as brief as possible. If it exceeds 45 characters and spaces, include a brief running title.

The following examples illustrate the required style for references:

Bertrand, T.J. (1975) The Gains from Trade: Steady-State Solutions in an Open Economy. Quarterly Journal of Econometrics 89: 556568.

Johnson J. (1972) Econometrics Methods. New York: McGraw-Hill, p. 165.

Chapter in edited book
Gorman, W.M. (1968) Measuring the Quantities of Fixed Factors. In Value, Capital and Growth: Essays in Honour of Sir John Hicks (J.N. Wolfe, Ed.). Chicago Aldine.

Theses, reports, and other unpublished materials
Eckbo, P.L. (1975) OPEC and the Experience of Previous International Commodity Cartels. MIT Energy Laboratory Working Paper No. 75-008WP, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

For detailed guidelines, click here.