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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

Published/Hosted by:  Elsevier
ISSN: 1567-4223
Country: United States
Impact Factor: 1.480 (2012)

About Journal
The Electronic Commerce Research and Applications is a multidisciplinary journal that aims to create and disseminate enduring knowledge for the fast-changing e-commerce environment. E-commerce should be developed in co-operation with existing fields such as Information System and Technology; Marketing, Finance and Supply chain Management; Business Strategy and Management; Public Policy; Computer Science and Telecommunications; and Legal Studies. The journal also accepts proposals for special issues on new topics in e-commerce that will create new directions for research.

Submission Process
Submit manuscripts online at:

General Guidelines for Authors
Submitted manuscript should be in double-spaced pages with 12-points font and 1 inch margins. Authors should provide tables and figures in the manuscript in places that are near to the text that refers to them. Title page should contain the article title, author(s) names and affiliations, an abstract not exceeding 150 words, and a list of 5 to 10 keywords that best describe the overall contents of the article for indexing and retrieval purposes. The title page should also contain related footnotes and acknowledgments that pertain to the paper and the authors.

References should be included in alphabetical order in the Reference section of the paper at the end. See the examples:
Journal Article
Forman, C., Goldfarb, A., and Greenstein, S. Geographic location and the diffusion of Internet technology. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 4, 1, Spring 2005, 1-13.
Banker, R. D., and Mitra, S. Procurement models in the agricultural supply chain: a case study of online coffee auctions in India. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 6, 3, Autumn 2007, 309-321.
Jank, W., and Shmueli, G. Statistical Methods in E-Commerce Research. John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, 2008.
Whinston, A. B., Choi, S. Y., and Stahl, D. The Economics of Electronic Commerce, 1st edition. MacMillan, New York, NY, 1997.

For detailed guidelines, click here.