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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Emerging Markets Finance and Trade

Published/Hosted by:  M.E. Sharpe Inc.
ISSN: 1540-496X
Country: United States
Impact Factor: 1.190 (2012)
About Journal
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade publishes research papers on financial and economic aspects of emerging economies. The journal features contributions that are policy oriented and interdisciplinary, employing sound econometric methods, using macro, micro, financial, institutional, and political economy data. Geographical coverage includes emerging market economies of Europe, the Balkans, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Additionally, the journal will publish thematic issues and occasional special issues featuring selected research papers from major conferences worldwide.
Submission Process
Submit manuscripts online at:
General Guidelines for Authors
Submitted manuscript should be in double-spaced pages with 12-points font and 1 inch margins. Authors should provide tables and figures in the manuscript in places that are near to the text that refers to them. Title page should contain the article title, author(s) names and affiliations, an abstract and a list of 5 to 10 keywords that best describe the overall contents of the article for indexing and retrieval purposes. Do not use footnotes.
The journal uses APA style of referencing. See examples:
Journal Article
Aussieker, B., & Garbarino, J. W. (1973). Measuring faculty unionism: Quantity and quality. Industrial Relations, 12(1), 117–124.
Abbot, F. C. (1958). Government policy and higher education. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Chapter in a Book
Riesman, D., & Jencks, C. (1962). The viability of the American college. In N. Sanford (Ed.), The American college: A psychological and social interpretation of higher learning (pp. 117–124). New York: Wiley.