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Friday, March 11, 2011

Journal of Business Ethics

Published/Hosted by:  Springer
Print ISSN: 0167-4544
Online ISSN: 1573-0697
Country: Netherlands
Frequency: Quarterly
Impact Factor: 1.253 (2012)

About Journal
The Journal of Business Ethics publishes only original articles from a wide variety of methodological and disciplinary perspectives concerning ethical issues related to business that bring something new or unique to the discourse in their field. Since its initiation in 1980, the editors have encouraged the broadest possible scope. The term `business' is understood in a wide sense to include all systems involved in the exchange of goods and services, while `ethics' is circumscribed as all human action aimed at securing a good life. Systems of production, consumption, marketing, advertising, social and economic accounting, labour relations, public relations and organisational behaviour are analysed from a moral viewpoint. The style and level of dialogue involve all who are interested in business ethics - the business community, universities, government agencies and consumer groups.

Submission Process
Submit manuscripts online at:

General Guidelines for Authors
Manuscript must be double-spaced including notes and references. The journal’s language is English. British or American English spelling and terminology may be used, but either one should be followed consistently throughout the article. The average length of an article is approximately 12,000 words. Articles should be no shorter than 4,500 words and no longer than 28,000 words.
Number the pages consecutively with the first page containing:
- running head (shortened title)
- article type (if applicable)
- title

Provide a short abstract of 100 to 250 words. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references. List 5 to 10 key words after the abstract.

Figures and Tables
Each figure and table should be numbered and mentioned in the text. The approximate position of figures and tables should be indicated in the margin of the manuscript. Figures and tables should be accompanied by an explanatory legend. The figures legends should be grouped and placed on a separate page. In tables, footnotes are preferable to long explanatory material in either the heading or body of the table. Such explanatory footnotes, identified by superscript letters, should be placed immediately below the table.

See the examples of references:

Kotler, P.: 1980, Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning and Control, (Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ), pp. 5-11.

Newton, L.: 1988, ‘The Hostile Takeover: An Opposition View’, in T. Beauchamp and N. Bowie (eds.), Ethical Theory and Business, 3rd edition (Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ), pp. 501-510.

Conference Papers:
Chan, C. F. and K. H. Lee: 1986, ‘Organisational Culture and Salesperson’s Ethical Position’, in R. T. Hsieh and S. Scherling (eds.), Proceedings of the Academy of International Business SEA Regional Conference (National Chiao Tung University, Tapei), pp. 3-9.

For detailed guidelines, click  here.