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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Journal of Retailing

Published/Hosted by:  ELSEVIER
ISSN: 0022-4359
Country: United States
Impact Factor: 3.645 (2011)

About Journal
The Journal of Retailing is devoted to advancing the state of knowledge and its application with respect to all aspects of retailing, its management, evolution, and current theory. The field of retailing includes both products and services, the supply chains and distribution channels that serve retailers, the relationships between retailers and members of the supply channel, and all forms of direct marketing and emerging electric markets to households. Articles may take an economic or behavior approach, but all reflect rigorous analysis and a depth of knowledge of relevant theory and existing literature. Empirical work is based upon the scientific method, modern sampling procedures and statistical analysis.

Submission Process
Submit manuscripts online at:

General Guidelines for Authors
In preparing the manuscript for submission, the following editorial format should be followed.
Title Page: The title page should include the name, title, institutional affiliation, address, phone number, and e-mail address of each author. The date of the manuscript and any acknowledgments should appear on this page.
Abstract: The title of the manuscript and a 100-word summary summarizing the article should begin the numbered pages (page 1).
Text: The main text begins on the second page. A brief orientation of the focus and intended contribution of your study should introduce your paper.

Primary headings are centered in upper case and unnumbered. Secondary headings are flush left in upper and lower case. The first line of each paragraph should be indented.
Presentations are enhanced by a concise style and minimal redundancy from one section to another. Issues put forth in a literature review or methodology sections should be central to understanding the research issues. Data presented in a table or figure need not be described in detail within the text.
Special care is required in the presentation of equations and the capitalization and italicization of algebraic symbols. Spell out numbers one through twenty in the text as well as the word percent. Where spelling and hyphenation is optional, be consistent throughout the manuscript.

Tables and Figures: Each table and figure is numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. The title should appear centered and in upper and lower case. Table footnotes should be indicated by a, b, c, and so forth.

The list of references begins on a separate page and typed double-spaced. The first line of each entry is even with the left margin and subsequent lines are indented five spaces. Sort references by the first author's last name; multiple papers by the same author should be listed in chronological order. Use the examples below as a guide to reference style.

Reference to a journal publication:
Cummings, Thomas and Susan Manning (1977). "The Relationship between Worker Alienation and Work-Related Behavior," Journal of Vocational Behavior, 10 (April): 167-179.

Reference to a book:
Hall, Margaret, John Knapp and Christopher Winston (1961). Distribution in Great Britain and North America. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

Reference to a book chapter:
 Katona, George and Eva Muller (1963). "A Study of Purchasing Decisions," Pp 30-87 in Consumer Behavior: A Study of Purchasing Decisions. Lincoln Clark (ed). New York: New York University Press.

For detailed guidelines, click here.